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CHIMPANZEE Protein Bar 100% Natural Peanut Butter 45g GLUTEN FREE

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CHIMPANZEE Protein Bar 100% Natural Peanut Butter 45g GLUTEN FREE



€ 2,50

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€ 2,50

Verkocht door Alltricks


The RAW, Organic Protein Bar contains 14g of easily digestible, vegetable based, protein. The protein comes from Organic Brown Rice and Organic Pistachios. You won’t find the usual coating on the bar so there are no Trans Fats. The protein accelerates muscle recovery after workout and the carbohydrates are there to sustain your energy.


  • 45g
  • 168kcal
  • Even energy distribution
  • 14g of protein
  • Excellent digestibility

Dates*, rice syrup*, rice protein*, Peanut* 12%, cocoa beans*, coconut oil*, cocoa powder*. (*Organic certified product).

Made With Love

We all love food, let's leave it there. But seriously, we like to eat well, even when we are out in the woods. And we like to share the food with our families and with our children. We needed an alternative to wildly available bars with to high sugar content, trans fat and genetically modified ingredients. That is why we have created our first bars. It was only later on when we started thinking of them as energy bars.
Today we produce All Natural Energy bars strictly from natural ingredients. We use as much Organic ingredients as possible. We will not sacrifice quality of the bars for a certificate, so when we have a better tasting all natural quality ingredient we use it instead of least satisfying organic ingredient. We will never use trans fats, GMO's, artificial sweeteners and any other weird stuff. That's a promise.


The Vegetarian Society is an educational charity working to support, represent and increase the number of vegetarians. They are working consructively with businesses, government agencies, policy makers and professionals, whilst always remaining independent. Rely on membership subscriptions and donations to carry out this vital work. Established in 1847, this is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. Find out more:

1% For the Planet exists to build and support an alliance of businesses financially committed to creating a healthy planet. Companies from around the world are contributing directly 1% of its profits to organisations working on behalf of our planet. Find out more:



Flavour Pindakaas


Vraag & Antwoord



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