How to change a rear derailleur?
Change a rear derailleur is not difficult and requires only one specific tool: a chain rivet extractor.
1. Worn derailleur
The rear derailleur will become worn with use and abuse. Learn how to change it. If necessary, change the cable too.
2. Loosen pinch bolt
Loosen inner wire pinch bolt. Use a Chain Rivet Extractor to remove chain.
3. Unscrew the derailleur
Unscrew the derailleur from the derailleur hanger with a 5mm Hex Wrench.
4. Put the new derailleur
Screw the new derailleur on the derailleur hanger.
5. Route the chain
Route the chain through the derailleur.
6. Fix the chain
With the Chain Rivet Extractor, fix the chain.
7. Change the cable
Replace cable if necessary. Pull cable tight using your fingers and tighten the cable pinch bolt.
8. Install a cable end
Install a new cable end and crimp it. Adjust the index with the barrel adjuster and Adjust L-Limit screw and H-Limit screw.